Invoking the Abstract is a four‐piece instruMETAL band hailing from Columbia, South Carolina, who recently signed to Unique Leader Records (Rings of Saturn, The Zenith Passage, Fallujah, Arkaik) The band is currently tour ready and seeking aid in booking and/or management. They recently recorded their first full‐length album, entitled Aural Kaleidoscopes, at The Basement Recording Studios with Jamie King (Between the Buried and Me, The Contortionist, Scale the Summit). The album is set to debut on Unique Leader Records in 2016. The band prides themselves on utilizing various approaches to rhythm, phrasing, and playing styles that conveys a sound which traverses genres. Their broad style, containing both soaring guitar solos and groovy mixed meters, creates a blend of catchy hooks accompanied by churning technical metal.
“By becoming part of the Unique Leader Records family we know, this once dream of spreading our music and influence to a broader more diverse audience, and playing alongside our musical heroes, is now a reality.”
‐ITA Shredquarters
Instrumental tech metal architects, INVOKING THE ABSTRACT, are pleased to announce their union with extreme metal powerhouse, Unique Leader Records - View
Their broad style, containing both soaring guitar solos and groovy mixed meters, creates a blend of catchy hooks accompanied by churning technical metal. - View
Priding themselves on utilizing various approaches to rhythm, phrasing, and playing styles that conveys a sound which traverses genres. - View
We have also been featured on DuckCore's Volume 1 Compilation along with Ovid's Withering, Lorna Shore, The Zenith Passage, and Lorelie - View
An interview with 'Pig Squeals & Breakdowns' - View
“A compulsively technical band, Invoking the Abstract, thrashes and rages.” - The Free Times
“This bands’s tech-metal mastery is impressive, to say the least.” - The Free Times
We have been featured on the front page of the Lexington Chronicle, as well as being featured in compilations.
"Duckcore Blog's Most Technical Band of 2012" - View
We are currently tour ready and looking for any aid with booking and/or management to help push our music out and put us on the road. We're confident that fans of technical shred, music theory, various genres, and certainly metal enthusiasts will enjoy all that what we have to offer. If we were to rope ourselves in with similar bands we would have to mention The Faceless, Beneath the Massacre, and Veil of Maya, with the complexities and variety of Animals as Leaders.
Evan Garner -